Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan encouraged Indian startups and young entrepreneurs while speaking at a session regarding startups and incubation centre. The session was part of a two-day Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Swarozgar Sammelan.
The speech came after the Chief Minister viewed the different products by young entrepreneurs
at an exhibition. Chouhan said the government would support young entrepreneurs and
their ideas through the Venture Capital Fund.
With the growth of young entrepreneurs and with the, the increase of small industries, Madhya
Pradesh would become a hub for startup companies to innovate and expand, Shri Chouhan
said, which would further create opportunities for employment. Chouhan encouraged young people to to work with their talents to reach success along with support from the government in order to create the future of Madhya Pradesh, saying the youth would help create history in the state.
Other attendees of the event included Managing Director of Venture Capital Fund Sandeep
Kadwe, Ajay Jain of Incubation Centre, Hyderabad, Minister of State for Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises Sanjay Pathak, Principal Secretary MSME V L Kanta Rao, CEO
and founder of, Shreya Mishra and many other entrepreneurs and representatives.
Mishra discussed the beginning stages of a company including funding, investments, market
interest and consumer effect. She talked about Venture Capital as a positive thing done by the
government to assist young startups and entrepreneurs, which will encourage their growth.
Mishra also told the young entrepreneurs to be prepared for disapproval and critics.
Chief Minister Chouhan said with a new helpline that is being formed, students and young
entrepreneurs could have access to basic information. Students would also be informed about
Venture Capital Fund and its importance.
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