
Google acquires sound and touch technology startup, Redux

A UK-based electronic startup, Redux, has been purchased by Alphabet Inc. Alphabet Inc. is the parent company of Google among other subsidiaries.

Redux has developed a technology which can create speakers where displays and touch panels on devices such as smartphones are. In March 2017, the startup located in Cambridge, raised $5 million. According to Crunchbase, the company was purchased by Google in August.

As reported by Bloomberg, the development by Redux has a number of benefits including the additional space created by the lack of speakers. Redux, with 178 patents granted, was previously backed by Arie Capital.

The technology could be used by the purchaser in a number of ways including for new smartphones, handsets or other technology such as haptic feedback. It could also work for other forms of technology, as Google has recently showcased its voice-controlled speakers.

The startup was purchased through the parent-company subsidiary located in Ireland. The shares in relation to the deal, of the startup to Alphabet Inc., was dated December 13 as found in the UK regulatory filings.

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