Flipkart Internet, which operates the company’s retail platform, has reportedly received Rs 370 crore in funding from Flipkart Marketplace, as per the documents filed with the Registrar of Companies (RoC). Additionally, according to the documents filed by Flipkart Internet, the previous investment made during FY 18 was of Rs 1.7 crore.
The latest investment, received in January, is indicative of Flipkart’s renewed focus on its e-commerce platform. In addition to this, Flipkart has also been investing huge sums in its logistics arm, eKart and payment entity, PhonePe. According to the report by The Economic Times, since January 2016, Flipkart has invested Rs 1,627 crore in eKart and has committed $500 million to PhonePe.
On the other hand, Flipkart, which is the Singapore based parent company of the Indian ecommerce giant, reduced its investments in Flipkart Marketplace to Rs 27 lakh in 2016-17 from Rs 1,629 crore in the previous year due to it heightened focus on conserving cash because of a slowdown in funding. The investment numbers were highest in FY15 at Rs 5,456 crore.
However, last year the company managed to raise $4 billion in funding from prominent investors including China-based Tencent and Japan’s SoftBank, and has since increased its spending. Flipkart Internet owns Flipkart.com and registers sales from advertisements and commissions charged on merchants. Flipkart Marketplace has a 99.74 per cent stake in Flipkart Internet.
According to calculations made based on the documents filed, the total investment through Flipkart Marketplace now stands at Rs 8719 crore.
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